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Car's Future: Nitrogen in Tyre

Friday, March 20, 2009

Nitrogen in Tyre

With the rising prices of petroleum based fuels - most remarkably gasoline, the motoring public is looking for ways to get better the fuel efficiency of their cars. While the reality that the tires play a major role in the fuel efficiency of a car is forever ignored, the US Energy Department stated that by having under inflated tires, we lose as much as two million gallons of gasoline daily. The most commonly used gas to inflate a car’s tire is oxygen. The use of ordinary gas can lead to earlier diffusion which will result to an under inflated tire. The answer to this quandary is the use of nitrogen. Since nitrogen diffuses slower than oxygen and is more plentiful, the gas is a valid solution to the problem.
TireLast System, a company situated in Lafayette, Colorado, capitalized on this and developed their UltraAir nitrogen. UltraAir nitrogen gas is a compressed gas devoid of oxygen and moisture.
Apply of UltraAir results to lesser dispersion and therefore decreases the incidences of under inflated tires. The use of UltraAir is so benefiting that the company received requests for a self-service nitrogen tire filling station. This is apparent in their development of an UltraAir Nitrogen Vending Machine which is card operated for use by car and light truck owners.

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