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Car's Future: Save your Petrol with NOS

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Save your Petrol with NOS

If you have a car, you know that petrol is major expense you will use on it. Now that petrol prices are growing, it is getting more expensive to keep your car running. There has been a rumors spreading on the internet that you can use water as another fuel to petrol. Is it real or is it a trick? If you are naive enough to pour water into your car petrol tank, you will wind up with a big repair bill at the end of the day. You cannot burn water therefore you cannot use it as fuel for your car.
However, if you were to examine the components of water closely, you will see that it consists of 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. That is why in basic science, water is known as H2O. Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas and if you can tie together its power, you can run your car with it.

How do you haul out hydrogen from water? You use process call electrolysis. Electrolysis is an easy procedure where we separate the hydrogen and oxygen molecules through the electricity. What you need to do is to channel the hydrogen gas through a hosepipe into the air intake of the engine. The gas will be sucked into the combustion chambers and mixed with petrol vapor. This mixture will create a powerful explosion compared to normal gas and air mixture alone. With the same amount of petrol used, you are removing more power from the engine therefore improving your car mileage.
The modification work is comparable to the process of injecting nitrous oxide (NOS) into the engine to make a bigger engine output. NOS cylinders are costly to use, but hydrogen gas can be separated for free from water with electrolysis. The good news is the whole modification process is completely reversible. The only by product is pure water coming out from the exhaust tube.

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